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In clinker boats, the rubbing strake was applied to the outside of the sheer strake.
Black hull unrelieved by a different-coloured sheer strake; sails patched but clearly serviceable.
The longest continuous strake at the top of the side of the vessel on the main deck is called the sheer strake.
In old vessels, a rubbing strake was built in just below a carvel sheer strake.
Inboard of the sheer strake the heavier gunwale is similarly bent in along the line of the sheer.
Two days of calm had allowed men to paint over the side from stagings, and the black hull and distinctive pale yellow sheer strake glistened.
There are several ways of fixing the rubbing strake but in a clinker boat, it is applied to the outside of the sheer strake.
In wooden boats, the gunwale remained, mounted inboard of the sheer strake, regardless of the use of gunnery.
In reality, it is more likely that the geometry inhibited the development of cracks in the sheer strake but vessels to this design were not any lighter than conventional vessels due to their unique geometry.
The sheer strake (vertical hull sides) of a conventional vessel met the horizontal weather deck at a right-angle gunwale; a whaleback hull had a continuous curve above the waterline from the vertical to the horizontal to where the sides met inboard.