Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Dad, I believe that you have been trying to develop a successful solar engine.
In all solar engines what is the greatest problem to be solved?
I have really developed a very efficient solar engine.
My main research topic was the thermodinamic solar engine.
A "Solar Engine" circuit is used to feed the robot.
For 15 years, he dreamed of making a solar engine so low-tech that it could be built and maintained at remote sites.
It was not similar to the Phoebusward track around the Solar engine, which had ten beacons.
Development of solar engines continued until the outbreak of World War I.
Poppers: Use two motors with separate solar engines; rely on differential sensors to achieve a goal.
A solar engine can refer to:
Essentially, these consist of a solar cell, capacitor, LED(s), and possibly a solar engine.
If the principle of this machine is what I think it is, you have certainly solved the secret of a sufficiently absorbing area for a solar engine.
Solar engine, a circuit which stores energy from solar cells in a capacitor and releases it in pulses to animate toys.
Shuman then constructed a full-scale steam engine powered by low-pressure water, enabling him to patent the entire solar engine system by 1912.
He was initially an assistant to Augustin Bernard Mouchot who developed the first solar engine, but later developed solar technologies independently of his mentor.
I know this doesn't look like a solar engine, and nine o'clock at night seems a peculiar hour to demonstrate such a thing, but I'll guarantee resultsprobably more than you expect.
The manufacturers said the Helipad Kit features ADB wireless solar engine power systems, visual navigation aids and Carmanah wireless solar-powered airfield lighting technology.
I should say, though, that the one big trouble with all solar engines, eliminating the obvious restriction that they decidedly aren't dependable for night work, is the difficulty of getting an area to absorb the energy.
Luckily, for our very lucky killer, this house was not energized by solar power; for if it were, the solar engines are so arranged as to turn the house only one complete revolution in twenty-four hours.
The "Solar Engine" circuit, many H-bridge circuits for small motor control, tactile sensor designs, and meso-scale (palm-sized) robot construction techniques have been documented and shared by the BEAM community.
The EverGEN(TM) solar engine is the latest in a long line of solar-powered innovations by Carmanah Technologies - a global provider of renewable and energy-efficient technologies with more than 250,000 installations worldwide.
During the last 19 years of observations, he said, sunspots associated with the 11-year cycle form at 30 degrees latitude, but other kind of magnetic activity may start at much higher latitudes as the result of other mechanisms in the solar engine.
There are a large number of BEAM robots designed to use solar power from small solar arrays to power a "Solar Engine" which creates autonomous robots capable of operating under a wide range of lighting conditions.
The two main types of solar engines are the FLED engine, which uses a flashing LED to regulate the power, and a 1381 engine, which uses a 1381 voltage regulator to decide when to release the energy.
Available in five models ranging from 10 to 80 watts in power, the EverGEN(TM)solar engine is a self-contained, solar-powered energy source that provides dependable, high-quality electricity for lights, sensors, cameras and more - anywhere there's access to the sun.