Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
And stay clear of his tail gun, just in case.
The Double is the tail gun present in the second configuration.
This is a list of aircraft to show the different approaches to tail gun positions.
She nearly forgot that the Russian bomber had tail guns.
They were also stripped of all guns except the tail gun to be lighter.
The tail gun was upgraded from manual to power operated.
This time he came in from the rear, in range of the tail guns.
Jake could see the gunner in the tail gun compartment looking out the window.
Keen twisted clear and let the Nakajima have a burst from his tail gun.
Dworn found himself alongside the scorpion, just as its tail gun fired once more.
The tail gun armament and arrangement varied between countries.
You are sitting in the tail gun of our aircraft protecting us from pursuing aircraft.
Except for tail guns, all armament was removed, and its aircraft were painted black underneath.
The tail guns and belly turrets were removed, the latter being of little use if the aircraft was flying low.
Soviet military and former-Soviet An-12s have a defensive tail gun turret.
Had a revised version of tail gun.
The double is the same tail gun from the Octopus/Salamander configuration.
Heckstand - tail gun defensive position on aircraft.
The computers also allowed a single gunner to operate two or more turrets (including tail guns) simultaneously.
The tail gun was a 'stinger' installation, and was remotely controlled.
Get aft to the tail gun.
When the aircraft was operated as a bomber, an additional gunner was carried to man the tail gun position.
Basically Pretender Grimlock without the shell, helmet and with only his tail gun.
Tail guns are antiquated," Elliott asked. "
Man the tail guns, Freddy!