Daniel realised just what a difficult task the old man had undertaken in such primitive conditions.
In his capacity of clerk of the Privy Council Wilkes undertook many tasks, big and small.
Balancing the randomly generated galaxies would have proven difficult, but because S.P.A.Z. is an open-world game it allows players to choose which tasks to undertake during play.
This was so, not from any merit of mine, but because she, in her own person, had undertaken for the service of our nation a task of almost incredible difficulty.
They are used to aid them in whatever task undertaken from housework to combat.
Such a task, had it been required or suggested, I could not have undertaken.
Lord Kitchener having once seen the enemy fairly gathered into this huge cover, undertook the difficult task of driving it from end to end.
What a charming and interesting task there is for some critic of catholic tastes and sympathetic judgment to undertake rescue work among the lost books which would repay salvage!
The task of pulling the Mount from the lake is a large one and only undertaken when a major maintenance job requires it.
Is that a task for old hands to undertake?