Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tea drinkers are usually early morning people and read books.
My parents were tea drinkers and with a large family, they needed time to themselves.
For the most part, they were tea drinkers at this time of the morning.
He'd set cups for three tea drinkers and he sat down with us.
The result was an instant success with American tea drinkers.
India is known as a country of tea drinkers, with coffee being popular in the south.
I was surprised to see coffee mentioned in your book — you’re not tea drinkers?
But two hours later the only change was that another woman had joined the circle of tea drinkers.
Attention tea drinkers: It’s time to think outside the kettle.
Nevertheless, blood pressure measurements were lower among the tea drinkers.
He is shown as something of an obsessive tea drinker.
With prices rising sharply, tea drinkers have a reason for concern.
There is also a room with tables to accommodate about 14 tea drinkers.
The British are a nation of tea drinkers, with over 165 million cups consumed every single day.
We're known as a nation of tea drinkers so a cuppa to mark getting home is a must for many.
But how many tea drinkers pay attention to those arcane details anyway?
Green tea drinkers were also more likely to exercise than non-drinkers.
Death rates for heavy tea drinkers were 44% lower.
But by Monday, he said he was a tea drinker.
Some studies in Western countries have indicated that tea drinkers may be less likely to develop heart disease and stroke.
Not normally a tea drinker, Gold nonetheless accepted the offer.
Some nations are predominantly tea drinkers, others will generally prefer coffee.
There were at least a dozen of them, every one apparently a nonstop tea drinker.
I've become quite a tea drinker since moving overseas.
Stopping the brewing process is very important for tea drinkers."