Duval helped turn the momentum in his match by driving the green at No. 10 and making a birdie.
I turned the fissionable materi- al into lead by making Time flow a million times faster around the vicinity of the weapons.
He believed that the practice of art, "in sickness and in health," could turn society away from war by making artistic creativity more appreciated.
We can turn the tables by making their Holtzman satellites into a line of death that works both ways.
Mr. Chirico said he hopes to turn a profit by making capital improvements.
But, get this, the rube turns the tables by making changes to the show and turning it into a hit.
Beijing has not cracked down because it fears turning the energy of qi on itself by making martyrs.
Like Rice of the 49ers, he can turn a short slant pass into a long gain by making the first tackler miss him.
Let me turn to the main conclusions of the report and start by making some comments on recent budgetary developments and prospects.
It also turned the tables by making her the person forever emblazoned with a girlfriend's name in iridescent letters.