Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The reasons for this can be traced back to the underlying policy.
The underlying policy of the Act is to provide a genuine alternative to litigation.
Thus, a choice between state and federal law must be made with reference to the underlying policy of the Erie decision.
"But you're right - their underlying policy seems to have shifted in the last thirty years or so.
The underlying policy is not so variable or so controversial.
But the underlying policy of supporting resistance to Soviet occupation was reasonable.
But, he said, his objections to the underlying policy were not strong enough to justify resigning.
Congress voted last year to block such initiatives by the Fed until it had a chance to examine the underlying policy issue.
But the underlying policy of discouraging international economic support for the Teheran regime is sound.
"We would be open to a negotiation about replenishing the Superfund now and continue our work in good faith on the underlying policy issues."
Furthermore, Japan's increasing trade surplus has more to do with the appreciating yen than any underlying policy change in recent years.
It is not so much his friendly intentions as the underlying policy that is being condoned in this way.
Investors have also been sold viatical settlements that have underlying policies from foreign insurance companies.
One lesson is that in a program like Medicare, with 38 million beneficiaries, the mechanical details are every bit as important as the underlying policy.
The Guillebaud Committee reporting in 1956 summed up the assumption underlying policy.
The underlying policy is that an alleged victim should not have to answer directly to an alleged rapist.
A judge should always consider the underlying policies to determine whether a rule should be applied to a specific factual dispute.
"Instead your district eviscerated the underlying policy" of the rules governing the appointment of principals.
Though infrastructure provision may vary according to local circumstances, there are a number of underlying policies which should be consistent from place to place.
Some of the underlying policies of the BC system were:
Market professionals said the government was to blame because it had fitfully introduced reforms without a consistent underlying policy that would build investor confidence.
Amtrak said in a statement that the council's report "sidesteps the underlying policy and funding issues that must be determined."
Mr. Chirac's underlying policies on most of these issues are not much different from those of past French leaders.
The underlying policy goals to these distinctions are to (hopefully) see that the property is returned to its true original owner, or "title owner."
There will be extensive publication of policies and of the considerations underlying policies and decisions.