Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
There is no wastewater discharge at either site Caledonia 3.
Wastewater discharge is a major input in these urban areas and will only increase with increasing population.
Regulating activities likely to cause contamination, such as wastewater discharge.
Contamination of soil and food through wastewater discharge is becoming a problem for this community.
Pollution through wastewater discharges, a major issue in the 1960s, has been brought largely under control.
In addition, management of drinking water and wastewater discharge poses a challenge for many cities.
In 1977, the state found violations of wastewater discharge.
The impacts of domestic wastewater discharge on receiving water are numerous.
Some of this degradation also comes from industrial and municipal wastewater discharge.
This step protects the quality of the waters that receive the wastewater discharge.
Also, we don't have any permits for wastewater discharge.
An environmental technician takes a sample from a sanitary wastewater discharge point.
No sources of air emissions or wastewater discharges were observed on the subject property.
Most other states still have some raw sewage or primary treated wastewater discharges.
It has also enabled the cessation of treated wastewater discharge into a major river system.
" Mathematical modelling and optimal control methods in wastewater discharges"
Wastewater discharges remain the main pollutants of water in Pristina.
The Decree regulates the quality of water bodies and wastewater discharges.
Under estimated average conditions, some municipal wastewater discharges could be harmful for 10-20 km.
Enterprises must report annually on their air emissions, wastewater discharges and waste generation.
This approach could also give more insight into the ecological significance of wastewater discharge for monitoring purposes.
What state will Poverty Bay be in if the wastewater discharge is improved or removed?
The Guidelines will present a unique risk analysis methodology to develop a monitoring programme for wastewater discharges.
In addition to human health risks, domestic wastewater discharge poses environmental risks.
This project, geared to eliminate individual wastewater discharge systems which threaten drinking water quality, will benefit more than 900 residents.