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Near the house, bastions of clipped yew and soaring false cypresses in vivid green contrast with purple-leaved plum and the pale variegated foliage of red-barked dogwoods.
The next year, he cultivated 25 or so more saplings using a grafting process on a white dogwood tree.
Our native white dogwood is prolific in the park and provides a glorious show in the spring.
White dogwood waves the sign, And exile troops of blossoms Are sailing meadow seas.
THE white dogwood in my backyard is not a prize-winning specimen, pruned and shapely.
Against the background of two white dogwoods nearby, its heavy clusters of pale purple flowers are a pleasant sight, if not exactly spectacular.
Flowering herbs are filling the spaces between the marble slabs; a reflecting pool mirrors the columns and 16 white dogwoods are part of their setting.
There are pink dogwoods and white dogwoods and pink, red and white azaleas.
Ozothamnus diosmifolius (White Dogwood)
Other common names for this species include White Dogwood, Pill Flower and Sago Bush.
Overhead, clouds of pink and white dogwood blossoms floated beneath the variegated green of the taller oaks and maples and walnuts.
Pink and white dogwoods, purple crab apple blossoms and golden daffodils are abloom in the garden at Drumthwacket in Princeton, the governor's official residence.
LHJ followed with Poppy, Morning Glory, White Dogwood, and Sunflower in the January 1912 issue.
And there's a little fountain and reflecting pool that mirrors the columns in the water, surrounded by 16 white dogwoods and, in spring, by 10,000 white daffodils.
Now, 37 years later, as the white dogwood puts on its spring finery, I can hear Grandpa Vail saying, "The dogwoods are out, time to clean the fishing gear."
Walk through the flowering pink and white dogwoods, past the grove of cedars and the cast-iron torchiers, and climb to the top of the third and highest terrace.
Our purloined white dogwood, the last living thing remaining from those magnificent grounds, stood in our front yard for many years, surviving even the man who saved it from the bulldozer.
Besides replanting the front with shrubs and a white dogwood, she built a granite retaining wall, which sets the house off more than the old lawn, which sloped down the front sidewalk.
Before leaving the White House this morning, Mr. Clinton planted a six-foot-tall white dogwood tree on the South lawn in memory of those who died on Secretary Brown's plane.
I couldn't wait to see the crocus peek from the ground in the woods, couldn't wait to see the tulips and daffodils and watch pink and white dogwood blossoms spring forth.
The forest's combination of swamp and upland offers a great variety of plant and animal life, including white dogwood and pink laurel in the spring, bald cypress, river otters, and bald eagles.
And after his soaring tee shot on the 550-yard second hole bounced down among some towering Georgia pines, he slashed a 3-iron off pine straw 235 yards to the green even though it had clipped the leaves of a white dogwood.
Other old names now rarely used include American Dogwood, Florida Dogwood, Flowering Dogwood, Indian Arrowwood, Cornelian Tree, White Cornel, White Dogwood, False Box, and False Boxwood.
In 1936 a little bazaar was set up by the women of the Greenfield Hill Church during blooming time, and today Fairfield has 50,000 pink and white dogwoods - a canopy formed by thousands of them can be seen at the church and on surrounding properties.
DOGWOODS AND MORE For the 53rd year, the Greenfield Congregational Church in Fairfield has arranged a Dogwood Festival to show off the more than 30,000 pink and white dogwoods blooming on Greenfield Hill since the 18th century.
DOGWOOD TREE FESTIVAL One of the most spectacular displays of flowering pink and white dogwood trees north of the Carolinas opens on Saturday for its 58th season, continuing through May 12, at the Greenfield Congregational Church in Fairfield.
Siberian dogwood (Cornus alba 'Sibirica') would brighten the eye right now with its bright red-barked twigs.
(Swida alba; Siberian Dogwood).
Cornus alba (red-barked or Siberian dogwood) is a species of flowering plant in the family Cornaceae, native to Siberia, northern China and Korea.