Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
He is an actor and but one wicked purpose impels all his acting."
The College of Hortators had a deeper and more wicked purpose.
She knows your wicked purpose for calling at McLean's!
"Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern states."
Her eyes narrowed, then lighted with wicked purpose.
"Kill me dead at your feet if I'd e'er credit Stateira with any such wicked purpose.
But whatever slogans they chant, when they slaughter the innocent, they have the same wicked purposes.
Their homes were in rocky, mountainous places, from whence they sallied forth to accomplish their wicked purposes.
He feared for a moment that Mr. Frost had secured the necessary sum, and that he would be defeated in his wicked purpose.
Even if she is no longer living, I don't know into what vile hands my letter may not have fallen, or how it might be falsified for some wicked purpose.
I watched the coming forth of Glaurung, and I thought that he had fulfilled his wicked purpose and was returning to his Master.
Magoffin, a Confederate sympathizer, replied, "President Lincoln, Washington, D.C. I will send not a man nor a dollar for the wicked purpose of subduing my sister Southern states.
Her plan is to use ghost-energy for her own wicked purposes, but the plan fails when she attacks the ghosts during a unique ghost celebration that allows them to assume their human bodies once again.
A world-shaking evil so antique time had devoured all memory of its native age-except within the archives of the mysterious Library rumor said that Ahlert had discovered and turned to his own wicked purposes.
What the girls had to understand, he whispered, was that his father's father had used the Lodge for very wicked purposes, things so wicked that he had gone quite mad and died in a madhouse.
I suppose it might be called a failure in controversy to say that England may be keeping her word for some wicked purpose; while Germany may be breaking her word for some noble purpose.
When Lincoln requested 1,000,000 men to serve in the Union army, however, Magoffin, a Southern sympathizer, countered that Kentucky would "furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern states."
In response to President Abraham Lincoln's call for troops on April 15, 1861, Magoffin defiantly declared by telegram, "I will send not a man nor a dollar for the wicked purpose of subduing my sister Southern States."
Wherever she went, however, in any corner of the world, in good and bad weather, in sunshine and in darkness, she would encounter pointed things, sharp things, jagged things, instruments and utensils and tools that could be used for wicked purposes.
Who, in his forgiving spirit, now that that friend is sunk into a failing state, can crawl about him again, and use the influence he basely gains for every base and wicked purpose, and not for one--not one--that's true or good?' '
For a moment he looked at Bogdan, wanting desperately to believe in his safety-but it was shameful, it was horrid, Bogdan believed in no one's promises, and Bogdan was saying trust and believe that the queen had no wicked purposes.
Doubtless any person reading this history would think that I, the narrator, was sowing a plentiful crop of troubles for myself in having to deal with him, setting him down as a rogue of the deepest, such as sometimes, for their own wicked purposes, decoy young men to crime and ruin.
For example, Gov. Claiborne Jackson wrote, "Not one man will the state of Missouri furnish to carry on any such unholy crusade", and Gov. Beriah Magoffin wrote, "Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern states."