Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
What people do with windfall gains is subject to much debate.
If there are going to be windfall gains, they shouldn't go to one person but to the public as a whole."
There was no shortage of opinions on what to do with the windfall gains.
The list of windfall gains includes, but is not limited to:
This is something that European regional policy must take into account, as these subsidies are primarily windfall gains.
For the first three years, however, it would levy a special tax on affected corporations to regain part of the windfall gain.
The Treasury would pick up a windfall gain.
It would take magic, not logic, to link a windfall gain from past investments to an investor's decision about the future.
Surely it would be better to tax this windfall gain than the hard work and enterprise of those who generate it?
The change would permit the owners who were willing to move to collect what one analyst called windfall gains on their apartments.
This minimized risk and maximized opportunity for windfall gains.
The least horizon of uncertainty is sought at which decision enables (but does not necessarily guarantee) large windfall gain.
The table employs the following calculations for windfall gain:
The old populist prescription was to take windfall gains - from a surge in commodities prices, say, or oil - and throw a party.
Reporting the governor's remarks at the opening of the committee's first meeting, the minutes said that "banks had benefited from windfall gains during 2009.
Otherwise it would confer an indefensible windfall gain on individuals who invested with full knowledge of the existing tax laws.
In Australia, where the rewards of publishing are even less, windfall gains to victims are highly unlikely.
Windfall profits are a type of windfall gain.
Windfall gains would mostly be saved.
A windfall gain (or windfall profit) is any type of income that is unexpected.
Steel makers have been among the biggest beneficiaries of windfall gains from unused Europeans carbon pollution permits.
Where the savings rate is high, a large proportion of windfall gains is passed on to subsequent generations whose expected gains are lower.
The path to victory would be smoothed with the windfall gains from selling off government stakes in the banks and scattered with some tax cuts.
"When pricing gets out of whack, as it is now, you get a windfall gain - if you're positioned correctly - when things snap back."
Sensing this, rich people have been fashioning themselves a new esthetic - call it the esthetic of windfall gains.
They are also blocking calls for a windfall profits tax on the major oil companies.
But these windfall profits lasted only until the end of the season.
Both taxes were raised at the beginning of 2008 due to higher windfall profits.
His campaign for a stiff windfall profits tax against the oil companies has made him really big stuff.
Horse racing has always been a game of windfall profits.
Yet these windfall profits in California may not draw new investment into power production.
"Maybe they think the chance of a 'windfall profits' tax is less now," he added.
This type of taxation is known as a windfall profits tax.
They also proposed repeal of the windfall profits tax on oil.
But consumer advocates say the result is windfall profits for insurance companies.
The company could also use the freeze to help head off any return of a "windfall profits" tax on oil production.
The result would have been the same, but without the windfall profits for speculators.
The only thing they have provided are windfall profits for polluters.
Its only purpose would be to hand wealthy families windfall profits on past investments.
Another political problem that particularly catches the eye is the windfall profits which electricity companies have made.
"They're worried that someone would propose a windfall profits tax," he said.
Its success brought both windfall profits and later, turmoil.
I've never heard them disclose their windfall profits from a vibrant Broadway season.
Many who anticipate a continuing pattern of windfall profits from development are worried.
The first step must be to stop these windfall profits with a firm regional wholesale price cap.
Auctioning will still give windfall profits to some of the major power generators.
He went on to record that the sahukars were building new houses for themselves from these windfall profits.
Other good features are even less relevant, like repealing the windfall profits tax on oil.
He was among the first to see that scientific journals could potentially yield windfall profits.
They accuse the agency of standing aside as companies manipulate their way to windfall profits.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
But these windfall profits lasted only until the end of the season.
Ale te nieoczekiwane zyski trwały tylko do końca pory roku.
They are also blocking calls for a windfall profits tax on the major oil companies.
Oni są również wywołaniami blokującymi za podatek od zysków nadzwyczajnych na ważnych spółkach naftowych.
Horse racing has always been a game of windfall profits.
Wyścig konny zawsze był meczem nieoczekiwanych zysków.
They also proposed repeal of the windfall profits tax on oil.
Również zaproponowali uchylenie podatku od zysków nadzwyczajnych na oleju.
His campaign for a stiff windfall profits tax against the oil companies has made him really big stuff.
Jego kampania na rzecz wysokiego podatku od zysków nadzwyczajnych przeciwko spółkom naftowym zrobiła mu naprawdę duże coś.
This type of taxation is known as a windfall profits tax.
Ten typ opodatkowania jest znany jako podatek od zysków nadzwyczajnych.
Both taxes were raised at the beginning of 2008 due to higher windfall profits.
Oba podatki zostały podniesione na początku 2008 z powodu wyższych nieoczekiwanych zysków.
Yet these windfall profits in California may not draw new investment into power production.
Już te nadzwyczajne zyski w Kalifornii nie mogą ciągnąć nowej inwestycji do produkcji ze wspomaganiem.
The result would have been the same, but without the windfall profits for speculators.
Skutek byłby taki sam, ale bez nadzwyczajnych zysków dla spekulantów.
As a result, he said, drug companies will receive a "windfall profit."
W efekcie, powiedział, spółki farmaceutyczne spotkają się "nieoczekiwany zysk."
Carter also said he would impose a windfall profit tax on oil companies.
Carter również powiedział, że narzuci podatek od zysków ze spadów na spółki naftowe.
The only thing they have provided are windfall profits for polluters.
Jedyna rzecz, którą oni mają dostarczyła są nadzwyczajnymi zyskami dla trucicieli.
The company could also use the freeze to help head off any return of a "windfall profits" tax on oil production.
Spółka również mogła użyć mrozu by pomóc głowie z jakiegokolwiek powrotu z "podatek od zysków nadzwyczajnych na wydobyciu nafty.
But consumer advocates say the result is windfall profits for insurance companies.
Ale adwokaci konsumenta mówią, że skutek jest nadzwyczajnymi zyskami dla firm ubezpieczeniowych.
"They're worried that someone would propose a windfall profits tax," he said.
"Oni martwią się, że ktoś zaproponowałby podatek od zysków nadzwyczajnych" powiedział.
They might do so if they saw a chance for a windfall profit down the road.
Oni mogą robić tak gdyby zobaczyli szansę dla nieoczekiwanego zysku w dół drogi.
The massive rise in property values gave such families a windfall profit.
Masywny wzrost wartości deweloperskich dał takim rodzinom nieoczekiwany zysk.
"Would it be productive or destructive for us to pass a windfall profit tax?"
"To byłoby wydajne albo niszczące dla nas minąć podatek od zysków ze spadów?"
And the windfall profit would go to a handful of major producers, not farmers, he said.
I nieoczekiwany zysk poszedłby do garstki głównych producentów, nie rolnicy, powiedział.
That means there would be no windfall profit for stockbrokers in this system.
To oznacza, że nie byłoby żadnego nieoczekiwanego zysku dla maklerów giełdowych w tym systemie.
Its only purpose would be to hand wealthy families windfall profits on past investments.
Jego jedyny cel miałby podać bogatym rodzinom nadzwyczajne zyski na minionych inwestycjach.
The vote to abolish the so-called windfall profits tax was 58 to 40.
Głos znieść tak zwany podatek od zysków nadzwyczajnych był 58 aby 40.
Another political problem that particularly catches the eye is the windfall profits which electricity companies have made.
Inny polityczny problem, który szczególnie łapie oko jest nieoczekiwanymi zyskami, które spółki elektryczne zrobiły.
Its success brought both windfall profits and later, turmoil.
Jego sukces przyniósł oba nieoczekiwane zyski i później, zamieszanie.
I've never heard them disclose their windfall profits from a vibrant Broadway season.
Nigdy nie usłyszałem, jak ujawnili swoje nieoczekiwane zyski z żywego Broadwayu pora roku.
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.