Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
After the woody plants are set out, water them well.
In its Florida range it is less than 1 percent of the woody plant population.
Next would be the new young woody plants, which do not yet have deep root systems and need all the help they can get.
Remember, however, that several other woody plants have opposite leaves as well.
Once again, recovering woody plants need all the help they can get.
Woody plants if present, account for a minority of the total area cover.
The forest is home to over 500 species of trees and woody plants.
There are, of course, woody plants with fine gray leaves.
For those who need to know more about woody plants, there are two excellent sources.
He estimates that there now are about 3,500 species of woody plants.
This should not be allowed to happen again, especially for those recovering woody plants.
In this article, we'll show you how woody plants can fit into your landscape.
First, a brief review of a few selected woody plants.
There are the basics like making sure that your woody plants have enough food and water.
Also, be alert for these recovering woody plants during the summer months.
The new woody plant is set in the ground.
Many woody plants, particularly, were stressed by last summer's drought.
Pruning woody plants now is a good idea for several reasons.
Many woody plants that first appeared dead after the snow melted were not.
All the trees, any woody plant for that matter, have sap.
If only there were woody plants to make fires at night for warmth!
The "right before growth starts" rule can be applied to most woody plants.
Woody plants are beginning to settle down for the long haul through winter.
These are just a few of the truly fine specimen woody plants that can be seen now.
But there are many woody plants that should not be pruned now.