Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Most women and even men wear traditional clothing, made with either commercial or hand woven fabric.
The design is also available in a woven fabric.
But He would have none tear an inch off the woven fabric.
Her suit was a woven fabric that fitted like an extra skin.
For example, it will work with kaolin and woven fabrics.
The woven fabric will have a surface pattern similar to that shown in Fig 1.
Every piece of woven fabric has two biases, at right angles to each other.
"Not that we are turning our backs on traditional woven fabrics.
Fig 1 shows a woven fabric knitted with this design.
He handed the agent the piece of woven fabric.
Always remember to return them to non-working position after completing the woven fabric.
Before 1869 Utah was a closely woven fabric with only a few broken threads.
Regular clothes can shield you, too, if they are made of tightly woven fabrics and have a dark color.
In general, clothing made of dark, tightly woven fabric best protects the skin from the sun.
The Itneg people are known for their intricate woven fabrics.
The Romans also wrapped their feet with leather or woven fabrics.
The tightly woven fabric gave reluctantly, this was no easily torn material.
The linen tester was invented to check the quality of woven fabrics.
Woven fabrics of the Ga'dang people usually have bright red tones.
He was lying down again, as the woven fabric of the raft could not support his weight afoot.
Also, tightly woven fabrics offer more protection than loose weaves.
These show that woven fabrics were common in Cucuteni-Trypillian society.
On a level too deep for words or understanding, she seemed to feel the woven fabric of existence shudder in dismay.
A woven fabric is a cloth formed by weaving.
Mostly nonwoven and woven fabrics are used in it.