But for the school board race, he did things by the book.
Which means they're not likely to do things by the book.
Almost certainly the one thing they wouldn't do was play the situation by the book.
My wife, being a teacher, goes by the book, so we had to look at pretty much everything, in order.
It was by far the best book I have ever read.
"Just do everything by the book and you guys will be fine."
Now we might as well try and do it by the book.
I want this done by the book, just in case.
This time I didn't try to go by the book so much.
Playing this by the book is not the way you want to go, believe me.
"By the number of dollars he was ready to put up to have you done in."
By simple numbers, they should have had an easy time of it.
Whether I call you by your number, that is my choice.
And if you go by the numbers, that's where my best years were.
She was a good officer, always did things by the numbers.
By all the numbers, it should have happened long ago.
But in the end they were ground down by European numbers and resources.
This is a town where if you don't increase the budget by an expected number, it's considered a cut.
We're going in by the numbers, exactly the way they want it.
Allow me to tell you that we're doing this thing by the numbers.