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"bell" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

bell rzeczownik

rzeczownik + bell
Kolokacji: 151
church bell • alarm bell • Taco Bell • Baby Bell • George Bell • Liberty Bell • Mr. Bell • opening bell • Jingle Bell • ...
bell + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 64
bell tower • Bell Atlantic • Bell Lab • bell pepper • Bell Laboratory • Bell company • Bell System • bell curve • Bell Canada • bell ring • ...
bell + czasownik
Kolokacji: 71
bell rings • bell sounds • bell begins • bell goes • bell tolls • Mr. Bell says • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 13
1. bell begins = dzwonek zaczyna bell begins
2. bell goes = dzwonek dzwoni bell goes
4. bell starts = dzwonek zaczyna się bell starts
5. Bell plays = Bell gra Bell plays
6. bell comes = dzwonek przychodzi bell comes
7. Bell works = Bell pracuje Bell works
8. bell stops = dzwonek zatrzymuje się bell stops
9. Bell continues = Bell kontynuuje Bell continues
10. bell strikes = strajki dzwonka bell strikes
11. Bell gives = Bell daje Bell gives
12. Bell dies = Bell umiera Bell dies
13. Bell uses = Bell używa Bell uses
14. Bell returns = Bell powroty Bell returns
15. Bell receives = Bell otrzymuje Bell receives
16. Bell moves = Bell rusza się Bell moves
17. Bell leaves = Bell liście Bell leaves
18. bell keeps = dzwonek trzyma bell keeps
19. Bell enters = Bell wchodzi Bell enters
20. Bell performs = Bell wykonuje Bell performs
21. bell falls = dzwonek odpada bell falls
22. Bell gets = Bell dostaje Bell gets
23. bell ceases = zaprzestanie dzwonka bell ceases
24. Bell produces = Bell produkuje Bell produces
25. bell survives = dzwonek ocaleje bell survives
26. Bell creates = Bell stwarza Bell creates
27. Bell remains = Bell pozostaje Bell remains
28. bell breaks = dzwonek psuje się bell breaks
29. Bell resides = Bell mieszka Bell resides
30. Bell finds = Bell znajduje Bell finds
  • Before Bell could find the appropriate words for a retort the head engineer turned on the power switch.
  • Bell found to her surprise that books written nearly twenty years ago still had fans and had been kept alive on the Internet.
  • Bell stood up and found a piece of pipe.
  • Bell found the same true for other things.
  • Taking these figures into account, Bell found a noteworthy regularity.
  • With competition both the Bell and independent companies found it hard to do business and make money.
  • Bell and Watson found that rabbits show grazing preference for different plant species.
  • Bell took stock and found that thus far almost 50 robots had been destroyed.
  • Bell subsequently formed his own label and found a distributor for the song.
  • Bell found a sheet of paper and thrust it at him.
31. bell ending = zakończenie dzwonka bell ending
(7) signal, argue, suggest
Kolokacji: 3
czasownik + bell
Kolokacji: 23
ring the bell • bell is cast • hear the bell • contain several bells • include bells • ...
przymiotnik + bell
Kolokacji: 33
small bell • little bell • large bell • tiny bell • Tubular Bell • ...
przyimek + bell
Kolokacji: 12
with bells • of bells • from Bell • in Blue Bell • by the Bell • ...

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