After moving to New York, Bell created his paintings by photographing a subject in still life.
The gaps Bell created closed up a few seconds later.
Bell creates interactive projects and immersive environments on how we relate to our environment.
The government has stood by as the Bells bought the two biggest long-distance carriers and created the country's two largest cellphone carriers.
Bell created Dinny out of spare material salvaged from the construction of nearby Interstate 10 at a cost of $300,000.
Siegel maintained the format of the show that Bell had created, but his personal style was very different, and the show became less popular.
However, history shows that the Bells would create more problems than they can solve.
Bell created Daisy on the pretense of having her become "the new Sheila", who was a longtime villain.
Bell created an unusual folding screen distinguished by tents that serve as stabilizing triangular elements in the design.
In effect, what Bell and others are creating is TiVo for real life.