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"disease" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

disease rzeczownik

rzeczownik + disease
Kolokacji: 85
heart disease • liver disease • kidney disease • lung disease • artery disease • Lyme disease • skin disease • cow disease • eye disease • ...
disease + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 69
Disease Control • disease prevention • Disease Database • disease entry • disease process • disease outbreak • disease progression • ...
disease + czasownik
Kolokacji: 59
disease causes • disease affects • disease spreads • disease progresses • disease kills • disease occurs • disease includes • ...
czasownik + disease
Kolokacji: 70
cause disease • prevent diseases • treat diseases • cure diseases • disease called • include diseases • suffer from one's disease • ...
przymiotnik + disease
Kolokacji: 253
infectious disease • chronic disease • cardiovascular disease • transmitted disease • serious disease • inflammatory disease • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 69
3. cardiovascular disease = choroba układu krążenia, choroba sercowo-naczyniowa cardiovascular disease
4. transmitted disease = przeniesiona choroba transmitted disease
6. rare disease = rzadka choroba rare disease
9. fatal disease = choroba śmiertelna fatal disease
11. genetic disease = choroba genetyczna genetic disease
15. deadly disease = śmiertelna choroba deadly disease
20. incurable disease = nieuleczalna choroba incurable disease
21. human disease = choroba dotykająca ludzi human disease
23. common disease = pospolita choroba common disease
26. new disease = nowa choroba new disease
29. mad cow disease = choroba wściekłych krów mad cow disease
30. peripheral disease = choroba urządzenia peryferyjnego peripheral disease
31. mental disease = choroba psychiczna mental disease
32. specific disease = choroba swoista specific disease
33. life-threatening disease = zagrażająca życiu choroba life-threatening disease
34. renal disease = nerkowa choroba renal disease
35. fungal disease = choroba grzybicza fungal disease
36. Digestive Disease = Herbatnik pełnoziarnisty Choroba Digestive Disease
37. foot-and-mouth disease = pryszczyca, afoza, zaraza pyska i racic (wirusowa choroba występująca u zwierząt) foot-and-mouth disease
38. progressive disease = postępująca choroba progressive disease
39. hereditary disease = choroba wrodzona hereditary disease
40. preventable disease = choroba, której można zapobiegać preventable disease
44. debilitating disease = osłabiając chorobę debilitating disease
45. advanced disease = zaawansowana choroba advanced disease
47. joint disease = wspólna choroba joint disease
50. European disease = Europejska choroba European disease
51. mysterious disease = tajemnicza choroba mysterious disease
52. major disease = poważna choroba major disease
53. terrible disease = straszna choroba terrible disease
54. terminal disease = choroba śmiertelna terminal disease
55. particular disease = szczególna choroba particular disease
56. bacterial disease = choroba bakteryjna bacterial disease
57. systemic disease = choroba ogólnoustrojowa systemic disease
59. pelvic disease = miednicowa choroba pelvic disease
60. acute disease = ostra choroba acute disease
61. cardiac disease = sercowa choroba cardiac disease
62. metastatic disease = przerzutowa choroba metastatic disease
63. related disease = powiązana choroba related disease
64. devastating disease = pustosząc chorobę devastating disease
66. nervous disease = choroba układu nerwowego nervous disease
67. unknown disease = nieznana choroba unknown disease
68. lethal disease = choroba śmiertelna lethal disease
69. end-stage disease = choroba ostatni-sceniczny end-stage disease
  • "A lot of these patients I'm going to keep from going to end-stage disease for a very long time."
  • Patients with end-stage renal disease are at increased overall risk for cancer.
  • Researchers identified 804,812 people with end-stage renal disease who started dialysis between 1995 and 2004.
  • Increased resting energy expenditure in patients with end-stage renal disease.
  • So far 13 patients with end-stage coronary disease have been treated, and all are doing well.
  • About 40-50% of patients develop end-stage renal disease over the course of 10 years.
  • The study doesn't show that any of the patients had end-stage renal disease or were on dialysis.
  • She had been diagnosed with end-stage respiratory disease and was released to die in her own house under hospice care.
  • Treatment Most of the therapies for heart failure deal with what doctors call "end-stage disease."
  • Person has end-stage disease and requires specialized treatment strategies.
przyimek + disease
Kolokacji: 20
for diseases • against diseases • of disease • to disease • from disease • ...

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