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"feeling" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

feeling rzeczownik

rzeczownik + feeling
Kolokacji: 30
gut feeling • feeling of guilt • feeling of relief • feeling of helplessness • feeling of loss • ...
feeling + czasownik
Kolokacji: 101
feeling comes • feeling grows • feeling goes • feeling runs • feeling changes • feeling begins • feeling makes • ...
czasownik + feeling
Kolokacji: 138
evoke feelings • develop feelings • express one's feelings • hurt one's feelings • share one's feelings • understand one's feelings • ...
przymiotnik + feeling
Kolokacji: 374
strong feeling • bad feeling • hard feeling • personal feeling • true feeling • strange feeling • mixed feeling • general feeling • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 63
3. bad feeling = wrogość, rozgoryczenie bad feeling
6. true feeling = prawdziwe uczucie true feeling
10. great feeling = wielkie uczucie great feeling
11. deep feeling = głębokie uczucie deep feeling
12. warm feeling = ciepłe uczucie warm feeling
14. uneasy feeling = niezręczne uczucie uneasy feeling
15. negative feeling = negatywne uczucie negative feeling
16. ill feeling = wrogość, rozgoryczenie ill feeling
18. odd feeling = dziwne uczucie odd feeling
19. sick feeling = chore uczucie sick feeling
  • He would talk to this person, try to figure out what the sick feeling and the worry were about.
  • With a sick feeling that I knew what was coming.
  • By now I had a sick feeling in my stomach.
  • I had the sick feeling that we'd never get the chance.
  • Brian sat down on the floor, with a sick feeling coming over him.
  • She had the rather sick feeling that they were both too far gone to help.
  • Jordan had a sick feeling that they were too late.
  • On the way back home with no success, she had a cold, sick feeling in her stomach.
  • "It gives me a sick feeling to see someone without one."
  • She remembered the other time and a sick feeling came over her.
20. real feeling = rzeczywiste uczucie real feeling
22. human feeling = ludzkie uczucie human feeling
23. positive feeling = pozytywne uczucie positive feeling
26. sudden feeling = nagłe uczucie sudden feeling
27. distinct feeling = wyraźne uczucie distinct feeling
28. new feeling = nowe uczucie new feeling
29. vague feeling = niejasne uczucie vague feeling
30. religious feeling = uczucia religijne religious feeling
31. terrible feeling = straszne uczucie terrible feeling
32. eerie feeling = niesamowite uczucie eerie feeling
33. funny feeling = zabawne uczucie funny feeling
34. old feeling = stare uczucie old feeling
35. special feeling = specjalne uczucie special feeling
36. wonderful feeling = cudowne uczucie wonderful feeling
37. horrible feeling = okropne uczucie horrible feeling
38. genuine feeling = prawdziwe uczucie genuine feeling
39. inner feeling = wewnętrzne uczucie inner feeling
40. widespread feeling = rozpowszechnione uczucie widespread feeling
41. empty feeling = puste uczucie empty feeling
42. certain feeling = pewne uczucie certain feeling
43. emotional feeling = emocjonalne uczucie emotional feeling
44. nice feeling = miłe uczucie nice feeling
45. cold feeling = chłodne uczucie cold feeling
46. bitter feeling = gorzkie uczucie bitter feeling
47. ambivalent feeling = ambiwalencja, odczuwanie sprzecznych uczuć ambivalent feeling
48. nagging feeling = dręczące uczucie nagging feeling
49. overwhelming feeling = wszechogarniające uczucie overwhelming feeling
50. sexual feeling = seksualne uczucie sexual feeling
51. queasy feeling = niespokojne uczucie queasy feeling
52. awful feeling = okropne uczucie awful feeling
53. unpleasant feeling = nieprzyjemne uczucie unpleasant feeling
54. powerful feeling = silne uczucie powerful feeling
55. weird feeling = dziwne uczucie weird feeling
56. curious feeling = ciekawe uczucie curious feeling
57. pleasant feeling = przyjemne uczucie pleasant feeling
58. familiar feeling = znajome uczucie familiar feeling
59. overall feeling = ogólne uczucie overall feeling
60. peculiar feeling = dziwne uczucie peculiar feeling
61. anti-American feeling = anty-Amerykanin uczucie anti-American feeling
62. better feeling = lepsze uczucie better feeling
63. deepest feeling = najgłębsze uczucie deepest feeling
przyimek + feeling
Kolokacji: 25
without feeling • of feeling • from feelings • to one's feelings • about one's feelings • ...

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