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"run" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

run czasownik

run + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 37
run down one's face • run down one's cheeks • run out winners • run down one's spine • run down one's back • intention to run • ...
czasownik + run
Kolokacji: 108
start running • stop running • keep running • begin running • come running • consider running • help run • continue running • go running • ...
run + przyimek
Kolokacji: 102
run through • run out • run into • run down • run off • run along • run against • run across • run around • run toward • run past • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 76
1. run through = roztrwoniony run through
2. run into = wjedź run into
3. run out = kończyć się, wyczerpywać się, zabraknąć run out
4. run along = zmykać run along
5. run down = ograniczać działalność firmy przed jej planowanym zamknięciem run down
6. run against = konkurować run against
7. run off = uciekać, zwiewać, dawać nogę run off
8. run across = wpadnij run across
9. run around = obiegać, ganiać (np. podczas zabawy) run around
10. run toward = biec w kierunku run toward
11. run past = bieg przeszłość run past
12. run towards = biec w kierunku run towards
13. run alongside = biec wzdłuż run alongside
14. run for = kandyduj run for
15. run by = biec przez run by
16. run until = biec do czasu gdy run until
17. run throughout = pobiegnij przez cały czas run throughout
18. run onto = biec na run onto
19. run beneath = pobiegnij poniżej run beneath
20. run beside = biec obok run beside
21. run from = kursuj run from
22. run up = podbiec run up
23. run after = goń run after
  • I could now see more than one man running after us.
  • For one thing, the project may run out of money after 2008.
  • We will not have to go running all over the city after them.
  • She came running after us the very moment we were out of the room.
  • These are run either before, during or after school hours.
  • Deep down, Americans may not really want to see their government run like a business after all.
  • He couldn't be expected to run all over the town after me.
  • But in the end, he came running after his friend.
  • Because that's just about exactly how I did run into them, one after another!
  • Are you going to run after them all the way to town?
24. run behind = pozostawać w tyle, zalegać z czymś run behind
25. run over = przelewać się, wylewać się (np. o szklance wody) run over
26. run under = pobiegnij poniżej run under
27. run between = pobiegnij pośrodku run between
28. run inside = pobiegnij do środka run inside
29. run on = kontynuować, trwać dłużej niż było spodziewane run on
30. run since = pobiegnij od tej pory run since
31. run below = pobiegnij poniżej run below
32. run to = pobiegnij run to
33. run at = rzuć się run at
34. run without = pobiegnij na zewnątrz run without
35. run in = dotrzyj run in
36. run with = biec z run with
37. run during = biec podczas run during
38. run before = pobiegnij wcześniej run before
39. run near = pobiegnij blisko run near
40. run above = pobiegnij wyżej run above
41. run within = pobiegnij wewnątrz run within
42. run about = obiegać, ganiać (np. podczas zabawy) run about
43. run among = biec wśród run among
44. run close to = pobiegnij blisko run close to
45. run via = bieg przez run via
46. run beyond = pobiegnij dalej run beyond
47. run including = biec w tym run including
48. run outside = pobiegnij na zewnątrz run outside
49. run of = biec z run of
50. run upon = pobiec na run upon
51. run despite = biec pomimo run despite
52. run that = przebiegnij to run that
53. run underneath = bieg spód run underneath
54. run away from = uciec z skądś (np. z domu) run away from
55. run out of = wybiec run out of
56. run up against = napotkany run up against
57. run around with = pobiec wokół z run around with
59. run away with = ucieknij run away with
60. run ahead of = biec przed run ahead of
61. run off into = uciec do run off into
62. run off to = uciec aby run off to
63. run out into = wyczerpany się do run out into
64. run down to = przebiegnięty w dół run down to
65. run up to = przebiegnięty w górę run up to
66. run out on = opuścić (np. żonę, rodzinę) run out on
67. run till = przebiegnięta kasa sklepowa run till
68. run out for = kandydowany na zewnątrz run out for
69. run out to = przebiegnięty na zewnątrz run out to
70. run off in = uciec w run off in
71. run out of = wybiec run out of
72. run out in = pobiec na zewnątrz run out in
73. run following = bieg następując run following
74. run because of = biec z powodu run because of
76. run out from = kursowany na zewnątrz run out from
run + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 303
run away • run unsuccessfully • run aground • run faster • run smoothly • run straight • run amok • run wild • run dry • run deep • ...

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