That balloon would become the first ever to cross the Andean mountains at an altitude of 8.100 meters filled with coal gas.
The Andean mountains make up 70% of the region's territory, and the rest is covered by the Amazon rainforest.
It is located in the Central Cordillera of the Andean mountains.
The Altiplano has large numbers of lakes and rivers that do not run into any ocean, as they are enclosed by the Andean mountains.
In regions such as the Andean mountains, the tree produces a crop twice a year.
Along the way you'll cross Andean mountain passes, coffee-growing regions and coastal flatlands.
Most of the commune lies on Andean mountains and valleys.
Through its upper section it flows west of the Melado range, surrounded by high Andean mountains.
It is close to the geographic center of the country, to the east of the Andean mountains.
The native people of the Andean mountains know how to make good use of the land and the weather.