The local counterparts of the new British elite were the nattars whose economic interests included agriculture, trade and production.
In other words, Cameron said yes to the British elite.
The British elites seem to be treating England like a cash cow for their party, class and personal benefit.
But what really moves Hague, I think, is a patriotism now rare among the British elites.
This in practice deprived British elites (in politics, administration, and industry) of adequate preparation to manage the modern scientific world.
But don't be surprised to see the British political elite following developments in Moscow just a little bit more closely.
He believed that in practice this deprived British elites (in politics, administration, and industry) of adequate preparation for managing the modern scientific world.
The British elite want their farm back.
They issued game licenses to the British elite to serve their recreational needs.
The British elites exerted enormous pressure in favor of union, but the tabloid readers didn't care.