Nineveh page at the British Museum's website.
Aside from the British website, the Hello group has websites in:
British satirical websites are now growing in number - with many of them inspired by America's the Onion.
The British Dental Health Foundation's website attracted over one million visitors during the year of 2009/2010 for the first time since its creation.
The standard Kindle was the biggest selling item on Amazon's British website.
In 2007, Turnbull & Asser created an on-line store on their British website.
The first international opening in October 2009 was the British website for customers living in the United Kingdom.
In a prepublication interview with a British website, Winters elaborated on the book's themes: "Moral behavior.
Well, theworldhasgonemad, fact is, if you look at a blog on a British left-wing website, what do you expect?