James Sefchek now plays drums in the Brooklyn band, The Bright Room.
In early 2008 this lineup played their last high profile show as guests of Brooklyn band The National.
The Brooklyn band is something different: devoted, beautifully led, wholly professional if not extravagantly broad in size and color.
His preference was for Mandrill, a Brooklyn band that combined hard funk and salsa.
(The Brooklyn band had already amassed more than 136,000.)
The show is a semi-scripted comedy and is based on the double life of a Brooklyn band, ZO2.
Derhak pushed for the "m" to be capitalized, but a Brooklyn band had that name already.
Best Brooklyn band (of many) to play at the festival Friday April 15, 2011 !
Three years on and celebrating their latest release Veckatimest, the Brooklyn band have evolved into a majestic pop beast.
Impose is the same independent label that also released fellow Brooklyn band; Total Slacker, in 2010.