Information exchange: The Centre identifies current and emerging topics of importance and improves effective exchange of information in mine action.
In America the Centers for Disease Control have identified 1336 AIDS cases.
In his lifetime the Center identifies many Talents and begins to train them and place them in appropriate jobs.
In a genome-wide association study of 1,735 schizophrenic patients and 3,485 healthy adults, the Center identified copy number variations as a potential cause of the disorder.
In cases when the family is called upon to attend the Centre to identify a loved one counselling services are generally available.
And the Center for Public Integrity identified him as among those who took the most trips sponsored by the health care industry.
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state health departments are identifying outbreaks quicker than before."
The Center has identified hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and other benefits showered by cable companies on some of these nonprofits.
Through a thorough and credible selection process, the Center identifies outstanding applicants who are most willing and most suitable to be teachers.
The Center identifies legal trends and issues affecting immigrants and pursues responsive solutions.