Congress and President Clinton have a significant role to play in this fight.
Their findings were accepted by Congress and President Clinton and affected nearly 100 bases around the country.
Those bond funds could be in for further gains if Congress and President Clinton come together with a meaningful deficit reduction package.
Yet neither Congress nor President Clinton has done anything to change business-as-usual in Washington.
The commission's failure, at its final meeting today, bodes ill for efforts by Congress and President Clinton to deal with the same problems next year.
This is the same approach that Congress and President Clinton took in 1993 that led to a budget surplus by 1998.
NO. 8 Congress and President Clinton are still arguing about the federal budget.
The proposal has stalled, with Congress and President Clinton objecting to some points.
The move comes as Congress and President Clinton are battling over efforts to limit product-liability lawsuits.
He said he hoped that the Congress and President Clinton would stay out of the negotiations.