The gallery will be an archive of recordings, including Presidential speeches and voices captured on the first Edison cylinders.
After half a minute, they heard the horn notes, reedy as an old Edison cylinder, but quite distinct.
The disc's flat dimensions offered a more convenient means of storing many songs than the three-dimensional Edison cylinder.
Manufacture of Edison cylinders stopped in 1912.
Lily studiously sets about recording them on Edison cylinders and making manuscript transcriptions.
They also began one of the most extensive collections and listings of voice recordings, going back to the first Edison cylinder.
Bring your whole collection, we'll be equipped to play everything but eight-tracks and Edison cylinders.
These are remastered transfers from Herbert's 1909-11 Edison cylinders.
The original Edison cylinders were a constant diameter, and the needle moved across them on a traverse device as the cylinders turned.
In 1907 he recorded on Edison cylinders.