It contains a large painting of the Archangel Michael depicted with two Franciscan saints helping souls trapped in Purgatory.
The upper part of the predella shows the saints Clare and Lucy, while in the lower part are miracles stories of the main Franciscan saints.
Figures sculpted are delineated clearly, and represent Franciscan saints including Saint Andrew along with other decorative elements.
Through her mother, Louise was a collateral descendant of the great Franciscan saint, Elizabeth of Hungary.
As the number of Franciscan saints increased, iconography struggled to distinguish Anthony from the others.
Although he was not really interested in sanctity, Franciscan saints were sound in his opinion.
The dome is decorated with paintings of different Franciscan saints, and the ceiling depicts joyful episodes from the life of the Virgin Mary.
One of her paternal aunts was the great Franciscan saint, Elizabeth of Hungary.
The first on the right side entering the church - painted in 1873 - represents the immaculate Virgin with two Franciscan saints.
Saint Louis is represented more like a great king than a Franciscan saint, emphasizing the altarpiece's political function.