A few weeks ago, Diamond International, a French-owned company, sold 96,000 acres of park timberland to a developer from Georgia.
That business is now dominated by American International Group and National Mutual, a French-owned company.
It was designed by a French-owned nuclear company, Areva, with links to the reactor technology developed 40 years ago by two companies in this country, Westinghouse and Babcock & Wilcox.
A privatization seems logical to me, on condition that Renault remain a French-owned company.
French settlers, French-owned companies, and wealthy Arab merchants established a plantation-based economy that now uses about one-third of the land for export crops.
By then, Saint-Exupery's career as a pilot flying around South America for a French-owned postal company was more advanced than his career as a writer.
THE French-owned unit-trust company Dumenil has suspended dealings in its funds, worth £33 million, after the disclosure that there may have been pricing errors in recent valuations.
Mr President, a French-owned company is able to sell electricity to the British Prime Minister.
LD Lines, a French-owned company with existing ferry operations on the Mediterranean Sea, began this service following P&O's withdrawal from it the previous month.
The lawmakers argued that giving the Air Force contract to a French-owned company posed potential security risks.