There seems no inconsistency between his lilting Gothic form and the modern steel skeleton underneath it.
It was rebuilt between 1680 and 1684 but, unusually for the period, still in a Gothic form.
We can speak of Plateresque that retains Gothic forms as a basis until 1530.
Most of them seem to be Gothic forms of names also appearing in the rune poems.
During reconstruction after 1355 Gothic forms for the window and the vault chosen.
The windows took on a later Gothic form, while small balconies and coats of arms in stone were added to decorate the main front.
From 1972 to 1981 the church was once again restored to the High Gothic form of the 1901 restoration.
It is a stone, spire-shaped monument decorated in Gothic form.
The interior is exceptionally fine, giving long vistas of ascetic Gothic forms (434).
Cracow Cathedral was based on a similar design but, being later, is of more advanced Gothic form.