"That's why it's such a threat to traditional Hollywood entertainment."
Hollywood Entertainment, which runs a chain of video stores, wants to buy back at least $30 million worth of its shares.
And Hollywood Entertainment, which disclosed that it had changed accounting firms, dropped 1/2, to 6 3/4.
Shares of Hollywood Entertainment rose 7 cents, to $13.16.
As a harmless Hollywood entertainment, "Disclosure" gets to say out loud what is buried in more serious circumstances.
This time his focus was not Hollywood entertainment or sexually graphic and violent Internet sites, but illicit drugs.
But before Hollywood Entertainment becomes too excited, it should weigh the prospect of antitrust scrutiny.
On Friday, shares of Hollywood Entertainment hit their 52-week low, closing down 50 cents, at $6.75.
The Stardust offers recent escapist Hollywood entertainment about every two hours between noon and 22:30 daily.
Sales in the period that ended July 3 almost tripled, to $504.7 million, after the purchase of Hollywood Entertainment.