But a real Italian pizza is another thing altogether, a reasonable balance of bread, vegetables, a little cheese, perhaps a little meat.
The original Italian pizza was a simple dish, consisting of bread with a tomato topping.
No-one, no matter what they have visited Italy for, should miss eating real Italian pizza at least once.
You see the pizza, and it's got a lot of black spots, it's Italian pizza.
If you see pizza that's straight brown, it's not Italian pizza.
April 23, 2010 anshjain Report this comment Obviously Italian pizza.
Only pizzas which followed these guidelines could be called "traditional Italian pizzas" in Italy.
Coca: Similar to Italian pizza but without cheese.
It pro-duces a hard, crispy crust that is closest to the authentic Italian pizza.
This tart is a French cousin of an Italian pizza and is made with a yeast dough.