Since 1969 this first Japanese settlement in the US has been marked by a commemorative plaque.
From the 17th century there are inscriptions which testify to Japanese settlements alongside those of the remaining Khmer.
- Destruction of the Japanese settlement in Ayutthaya by Siamese forces.
World War II disrupted the Japanese settlement and the land reverted to the local citizens.
When they fled, Salcedo followed them until they landed at a Japanese settlement.
As areas of naichi Japanese settlement expanded, Ainu were increasingly subject to forced relocation.
Japanese settlement on Sakhalin dates to at least the Edo period.
This was part of a large tract in the Amazon forest set aside for Japanese settlement by the Brazilian government.
"Japan hall/building") used to describe historical Japanese settlements and missions in foreign countries.
His descendants would continue to defend Japanese settlements in Hokkaidō from the natives.