Microsoft's Active Server Pages and JavaSoft's Java Server Pages have helped by bringing out content and using user-programmed templates.
Technology stacks are often articulated as a list of technologies, such as "J2EE with Java Server Faces running against a SQL Server database" or as a diagram.
Java Server Faces 1.2 (Mojarra)
The web servlet is based on Java Server Faces.
The family, on Lisa's suggestion, visits a cyber café named The Java Server.
A Java Server Pages web-based GUI is provided for the administrative tasks including configuration of the network settings, security, and user management.
The BRICKS Workspace is a Java Server Pages web application based on the Struts framework.
The really big change, though, is that, for the first time, you can now do keyword/text searches on FCC documents via the sites' new Java Server Pages app.
That year also saw the release of Rational Application Developer version 7.0, with new features supporting Java Server Faces, and tools for XSD and WSDL visualization and transforms.
Java Server Faces, Java EE, and Servlet have simplified URL rewriting via the PrettyFaces: URLRewriteFilter.