Few Big Losses He has lost some major cases.
Loss of 2.5 Percent a Year From 1981 through 1987, the farm population has lost an average of 2.5 percent annually.
Losses by the Leader Even American, the industry leader, lost $166 million in the second quarter.
Losses on Several Fronts The result has been lost elections, lost patronage, lost enthusiasm and lost power.
Another Loss for Cox Danny Cox (10-9) lost today for the fifth time in his last six decisions.
Losses, yes, but I lose money when there's nothing to sell.
Close Losses The Cowboys, with seven defeats, have lost games by 3, 2, 3, 1 and 6 points.
Losses by Many Marketers Many gasoline marketers lost money in the third quarter.
A Loss of Luster When he died in 1988, his work had lost its luster for most critics.
Sizable Losses First City lost $402 million in 1986 and $161 million in the first six months of this year.