The sequel was over four times larger and took advantage of 256-color VGA graphics, MIDI music, and digitized sound.
J-vibe, successfully extracted the MIDI music by using an ingenious method that did not violate the software.
The game features MIDI music and full text, but no talkie version was ever released.
Plugins have been written in Breve to generate MIDI music, download web pages and interact with a Lisp environment.
More obscure areas are whether mixing is supported; many games would like to play a MIDI music track and layer PCM sound effects on top.
CyberHymnal - contains history, lyrics, and infinitely-looping MIDI music.
Features added in First Class include ten brand new missions, multiplayer mode with up to 4 players, new MIDI music, cargo transportation and more.
She used to participate in writing lyrics on Niftyserve's forum for Original MIDI music.
Later versions were released for Microsoft Windows and include full-colour graphics and MIDI music.
The DOS version of the game supports various sound cards, and features wavetable-like MIDI music.