These individuals were very successful as general merchants and commission agents but it was near another 50 years before native converts began.
A roundup then began of the other French Catholic priests and native converts.
The treaty granted civil liberties and considerable autonomy to native converts to Christianity.
During this rebellion, which took place in 1546, many Spaniards were killed, as well as native converts loyal to their masters.
He wrote to Germany to ask for an organ, which he said would attract more Native American converts.
It seems that the population of the countryside was left relatively unmolested, while the Muslim element (including native converts) predominated in the towns.
Throughout the torture, Brébeuf was much more concerned for the fate of the others and the captive Native converts than for himself.
Native Hawaiian Catholic converts were arrested and imprisoned.
He baptized hundreds of native converts, and wrote numerous tracts and booklets in the Mandarin language.
Article 13 obliged heads of mission to use their influence on Native American converts to promote government development plans on their lands.