The video opens to a striking landscape of Peruvian mountains, as the silhouettes of Residente and Visitante are seen crossing the frame.
The stepbrothers make their way up dirt roads, to a radio station in the Peruvian mountains, where they are presented to a Quechua- speaking DJ.
The wools are colored with natural dyes sought by the artist in the Peruvian mountains, jungles and coastline and obtained from plants and animals.
Maize crossed from the Peruvian mountains into Bolivia about 3,000 BCE as a marginal food of the Andean peoples.
In the Peruvian mountains, Lara finds a tomb belonging to the Atlantean king Qualopec.
Chevannes found this rapid transition from a Peruvian mountain top distinctly disorientating and he tried to imagine how his companion must feel after so many years of isolation.
Before you know it, you'll be lazing on Copacabana Beach, hiking Peruvian mountain trails, delving into Colombian backwaters or sizzling in Santiago.
After a framing device concerning Michael Storm's diaries, the story begins with Storm's adventures in the Peruvian mountains searching for the legendary time-gate of Viricocha.
He had almost frozen to death in a blizzard on a Peruvian mountain, and he'd been bitten by a deadly water snake while scuba diving in Australia.
Letelier's expedition force has been scattered in small garrisons through every town across the Peruvian mountains.