When I was there a Ping-Pong match was in progress.
Mutual incomprehension tinged with apprehension bound them in an uncomfortable Ping-Pong match of a conversation.
Now, the situation has become legally confounded in a way that can best be visualized as an endless Ping-Pong match.
"It's like he's stuck in an endless Ping-Pong match."
His right wrist, which he fell on during a 1992 Ping-Pong match with his former caddie, has been surgically repaired.
Let us by all means inflict ourselves upon the Ping-Pong match.
It was like I was following a Ping-Pong match watching his lip go up and down.
Where were they going, a Ping-Pong match?
Like spectators at a blazing Ping-Pong match, they are dumbfounded by dualities.
A spirited Ping-Pong match was in progress.