It will sit on the 1.5-acre site of a state armory that was razed after a 1989 fire.
Three others were purchased for the state armory.
Clem Sidlosky, class of 1957, remembered the days before the gym was built and the team played in the state armory.
Finally, the governor headed for the State Armory, a cement-floored warehouse.
Mullen was sworn into office on January 1, 1917 at the State Armory.
The Vesey plot involved taking over the state armory to arm rural slaves who would rise up and assist the others in revolt.
In 1942, East Second Street widening was ordered and flames destroyed the old state armory.
The spot was equi-distant from the Tredegar Works to the west and the sprawling, long-idle state armory on the east.
Over 1,400 people attended a testimonial in his honor in December 1961 held at the State Armory.
Mr. Giguere mused about taking cameras across the street to the State Armory to cover events.