Hence Koviar were also involved in many of the Tamil nationalistic agitations that eventually resulted in the formation of many Tamil militant groups.
Some Tamil groups equipped themselves and tried to meet the challenge of the Sinhalese militants.
The largest Tamil militant group, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, has vowed to disrupt the election.
It was, alongside the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the largest Tamil militant group in the area.
"There will be more violence, bloodshed, more clashes among Tamil groups if they are not given the correct leadership."
The police initially blamed a dispute with taxi drivers for the incident, but later a Tamil militant group claimed responsibility and warned foreign tourists and airlines it would strike again soon.
Sri Lanka sought Pakistan's aid in submitting a counter resolution extolling the efforts of the Sri Lankan Government and condemning Tamil groups.
The leader of the main Tamil insurgent group said today that his men would surrender their arms as part of an agreement intended to end this country's ethnic violence.
While most Tamil militant groups laid down their weapons and agreed to seek a peaceful solution to the conflict, the LTTE refused to disarm its fighters.
"I am fighting for the 60 million people of Tamil Nadu," he claimed, and he formed links with Tamil secessionist groups.