But many other stocks in the technology group also fell.
In the technology group, Microsoft rose 2 7/8, to 102.
Of course, these companies - and the rest of the technology group - could fall further.
But some of the well-known names in the technology group slumped.
Its technology group, which is mostly semiconductors, lost $252 million last year on revenue of nearly $3.7 billion.
By yesterday, though, investors thought better of the entire technology group and began nibbling again.
Student training is primarily intended to educate students on technology groups while offering a team environment in which to learn.
In 2011, the technology group earned sales revenue of 733.1 million euros.
"The position I had as head of the advanced technology group was actually quite market-driven, but we didn't ship products," he said.
Semiconductor stocks were the strongest segment of the technology group.