Turkish became the idiom for state business in Tunisia and its unique flavors percolated throughout Tunisian society.
She became a lightning rod for dissatisfaction within a Tunisian society disgusted with the rise of her immediate family and Trabelsi family.
He has long advocated the equal rights and treatment of women who wear the hijab in Tunisian society.
The Code, nevertheless, has known many difficulties arising from Tunisian society.
During this time, it has been led by two presidents, who have had a significant impact on Tunisian society.
They are also at the heart of Tunisian society, which is a dynamic and pro-European society.
The new unity government should truly represent the wishes of Tunisian society.
Tunisian society is now a shell of its former self; political debate is relegated to a whisper under the gaze of the omnipresent secret police.
In Tunisian society, use of the French language is regarded as a mark of sophistication and education.
Mr. Ben Ali has also sought to balance secular and religious aspects of Tunisian society.