The service started in early 2009 as an experimental tool to help its creator, Arnaud Meunier, by efficiently handling his Twitter conversations.
However, he was reassured by a Twitter conversation with Sho Baraka, in which Sho Baraka stated that "'There was an assumption of an elitist bent.
This came about after a Twitter conversation between the two bands regarding the common mistake of people thinking the song is in fact a Weezer song.
The investment started as a result of a Twitter conversation between Dengler and Schafer in March 2011, where Schafer commented that the cost of bringing Double Fine's games to personal computers would be high.
During Vince and Dave's Twitter conversations they were contacted by a tweeter @ColdinHaven, who chimed in saying, "@Davehaven @VinceHaven Is this Vince and Dave from the Herald?
Release of the film initiated a series of Twitter conversations between Dr. Drew and Mary Carey in which Drew suggested Carey speak with her AA sponsor.
Noticing the Twitter conversation between Ralliant-Clark and his former victims, he added the journalist to his target list.
If they can take it a step further and make Twitter conversations feel more like instant messaging conversations, it could be a real win for users.
BC TweetStream is a BigChampagne-curated slice of the larger Twitter conversation.
Users can search real-time Twitter conversation, filter the relevant conversation, and then publish the curated stream to television, phone, and internet.