Western involvement becomes obvious when you read the official biography of the programme, which is broadcast on the TV station, Tolo.
Assad added that the airstrikes "revealed the extent" of the Israeli and Western involvement in the ongoing civil war.
To many Russians, the very notion that there is some question about Western involvement comes as a rude shock.
The film helped to publicize the controversy surrounding conflict diamonds and led to worldwide awareness of the Western African involvement in the diamond trade.
At issue is not only the economy but also India's sensitivity to Western involvement.
Without peace talks, the ever-deeper Western involvement can bring Europe to where it stood 81 years ago this week - at the cusp of a world war.
That period was the zenith of Western involvement in Africa, and we suffered dearly for it.
There should never have been Western involvement in Afghanistan in the first place.
They are suspicious of Western involvement in the country's political affairs.
Kissinger shared similarly critical views on Western involvement in Kosovo.