I made the point earlier that descriptive facts about actual usage do not necessarily determine what is to be included in a language course.
Listed below are the current titles with some general information about their running time, content and usage:
At trial, P introduced expert evidence about the custom and usage of tempered glass from 1956 to 1976.
Decisions about usage of various parts of the refuge will not be made until the management plan has been completed.
Another friend had the misfortune of wondering, in my earshot, about 18th-century English usage.
The thing has cycles, for one thing, and I'm not talking about usage.
And she snapped off, leaving me confused about female logic and current American usage.
A driver new to the system can get confused when not being informed about proper usage.
Smart meters transmit a live stream of information about current electric usage to utilities.
Errett is correct about current usage, which dates to the early part of the last century.