Purcell's first concept was an absorber material to be placed on the U-2's fuselage.
Tracking calorimeters such as the MINOS detectors use alternating planes of absorber material and detector material.
It is necessary that the acceptor material has a conduction band edge that is lower than that of the absorber material.
The collection efficiency is a function of the absorber material and remains to be optimized.
MICE will measure cooling performance over a range of beam momenta between about 150 and 250 MeV/c, for various absorber materials and magnetic field configurations.
Therefore, the power of the impinging wave is mostly absorbed in the absorber materials.
Many chemicals can be removed from exhaust gas also by using absorber material.
The absorber material has to be replaced after its surface is saturated.
Typical absorber materials used have high cross sections for absorption of neutrons and include Helium-3, Lithium-6, Boron-10, and Uranium-235.
To change the way that the modes behave, the researchers change the thickness of the absorber material so that it looks a bit like a repeating staircase.