Ratings for the hard-cover lists are based on computer-processed sales figures from 2,000 bookstores in every region of the country, statistically adjusted to represent sales in all bookstores.
Mark Wendland's inventive set, a series of gray movable panels, is adjusted to represent a series of public and private spaces, each more chillingly anonymous than the last.
Note: The circuit noise level is usually expressed in dBrn0, signifying the reading of a circuit noise meter, or in dBa0, signifying circuit noise meter reading adjusted to represent an interfering effect under specified conditions.
The raw scores for each category were statistically adjusted to represent an equal number of girls and boys in each class.
The listings above are based on computer-processed sales figures from 2,000 bookstores in every region of the United States, statistically adjusted to represent sales in all bookstores.
The version of the song appropriated by Wyoming includes lyrics adjusted to represent the school's location, a stands cheer that occurs during a drum break, and a repeat of the verse commonly follows.
The figures are statistically adjusted to represent sales in all such outlets across the United States.