The measure would not affect humanitarian aid, nor $246 million already in the pipeline in the form of pending contracts.
The suspension does not affect aid appropriated last year and is still to be provided.
It was, he added, "behavior that doesn't behoove an ally," but insisted it would not affect American aid.
The debate spread across the country, affecting local and state aid for creative artists and performers.
The 1986 amendment does not affect humanitarian aid, Washington's major focus in the Sudan in the last year.
The bill does not affect foreign aid to African countries.
The action will not affect humanitarian aid to Jordan, nor $246 million already in the pipeline in the form of pending contracts.
The decisions so far affect only short-term aid.
This does not affect humanitarian aid or measures to combat poverty, provided that they are compatible with the terms of this article.
Measures affecting aid to the Nicaragua rebels and the broadcast regulation are a part of this bill.