Instead, the Senate on its own passed a weaker measure that would not affect the governor's role and would address only next year's budget.
I can't let it affect my role on the team.
"All of us in higher education are concerned that this may affect our own role as a free forum of expression," he said.
The power ascribed to wizards often affects their role in society.
He said the changes introduced to the health service have affected the council's role and members have expressed dissatisfaction with its development.
Asked if this affects his own role, he said: "It's hard to say.
But based on an earlier draft, it said, the guidelines would "in no way" affect his role at the firm.
In this section, we examine how these forces affect governments' role in the provision of education.
Rising divorce rates have also affected the father's role.
The illness is not expected to affect the Mara family's role with the team.