The bacteria are not those that cause the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, but instead affect the respiratory tract.
Hemiplegia is common when the stroke affects the corticospinal tract.
Childhood cancer survivors may have late effects that affect the digestive tract.
There are a number of acute and chronic infections that can affect the lower respiratory tract.
You searched for illnesses and conditions affecting the genito-urinary tract.
Without medical studies, he says there's no way of knowing how these treatments affect the urinary tract.
Systemic amyloidosis often affects the gastrointestinal tract and may result in this condition.
It may be performed in cases of incontinence or neurological problems affecting the urinary tract.
They have long been known to act against bacteria and fungi in various diseases, particularly those that affect the digestive tract.
The condition may affect the gastrointestinal tract or the skin.